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Fun Dental Experiments To Do With Kids

Here are some fun dental experiments to do with your kids to show how the things we eat affect our teeth. Fluoride Power This experiment simulates the protection power of fluoride. What you’ll need: 1 bottle of fluoride rinse solution (available from your dentist, local dental supply company, and some pharmacies) 2 eggs 1 bottle of…

Here are some fun dental experiments to do with your kids to show how the things we eat affect our teeth.

Fluoride Power

This experiment simulates the protection power of fluoride.

What you’ll need:

1 bottle of fluoride rinse solution (available from your dentist, local dental supply company, and some pharmacies)
2 eggs
1 bottle of white vinegar
3 containers

What to do:

Pour four inches of fluoride rinse solution into one of the containers and then place an egg in the solution. Let it sit for five minutes. Remove the egg. Pour four inches of vinegar into each of the remaining two containers. Put the egg that has been treated with the fluoride into one container of vinegar and the untreated egg in the other container of vinegar.

What will happen:

One egg will start to bubble as the vinegar (an acid) starts to attack the minerals in the egg shell. Which egg do you think will start to bubble?

Acids and Our Teeth

This experiment simulates an acid attack on bones (Bones are rich in calcium, just like your teeth).

What you’ll need:

2 clean chicken bones (ask your parents to save them for you the next time you have chicken for dinner)
1 container
1 bottle of white vinegar

What to do:

Pour several inches of vinegar into the container. Soak the clean chicken bones in the vinegar overnight.

What will happen:

Check out the bones after they’ve soaked in the vinegar overnight. Are they softer or harder? Be sure to throw the bones away in the garbage after you’re finished.

Note: with any science experiment, it is recommended you have an adult present for supervision.

Looking for more dental health games & activities? Check these out! 

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