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February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

Each February marks National Children’s Dental Health Month, a month-long initiative sponsored by the American Dental Association to raise awareness about the importance of oral health for our kids.  In 1949, the event was held on February 8th but quickly became a week-long event in 1955.  Over 2.5 decades later, the program was extended to…

Each February marks National Children’s Dental Health Month, a month-long initiative sponsored by the American Dental Association to raise awareness about the importance of oral health for our kids.  In 1949, the event was held on February 8th but quickly became a week-long event in 1955.  Over 2.5 decades later, the program was extended to a month long celebration.


The observance began as a two city event and eventually spread nationwide. Today, the National Children’s Dental Health Month reaches millions of communities across the nation, as well as armed service bases abroad, with activities and promotions such as posters, coloring pages, essay contests, health fairs, free dental screenings, museum exhibits, classroom presentations, and dental office tours.

While oral health is important year-round, try a few of these activities in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month.



  • Do you know why we need teeth?
  • What do you think would happen if you never used a toothbrush to clean your teeth?
  • Have you ever lost any teeth? Do you know why?
  • Why are teeth important?

Are you looking to market your practice for National Children’s Dental Health Month? Sign up for our series of white papers detailing the best marketing strategy for your office. 

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